Please take a look at the pictures, especially the face is very cute, and important of Japanese doll. HINAMATSURI is a girl's festival, even as far back as the Heian period little princesses in the Imperial Palace used to play with dolls made of paper, clolth and grass, etc. This was called "Hina Asobi(doll play)" and was the origin of the traditional hina doll. Originally, people used to float dolls in streams to exorcize evil spirits, but later when they began decorating their rooms with dolls as they parents started to display hina dolls as they prayed for the happiness of their young daughters. Hina Matsuri is now held on March 3rd every year. Please enjoy this fancy meeting of these dolls. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us. But I am sorry, we only accept questions in English.
Please take a look at the pictures, especially the face is very cute, and important of Japanese doll. HINAMATSURI is a girl's festival, even as far back as the Heian period little princesses in the Imperial Palace used to play with dolls made of paper, clolth and grass, etc. This was called "Hina Asobi(doll play)" and was the origin of the traditional hina doll. Originally, people used to float dolls in streams to exorcize evil spirits, but later when they began decorating their rooms with dolls as they parents started to display hina dolls as they prayed for the happiness of their young daughters. Hina Matsuri is now held on March 3rd every year. Please enjoy this fancy meeting of these dolls.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us. But I am sorry, we only accept questions in English.
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[北海道] 1830円 (北海道)
[北東北] 1500円 (青森、岩手、秋田)
[南東北] 1390円 (山形、宮城、福島)
[ 関東 ] 1390円 (茨城、栃木、群馬、埼玉、千葉、東京、神奈川、山梨)
[ 信越 ] 1390円 (新潟、長野)
[ 中部 ] 1390円 (静岡、愛知、岐阜、三重)
[ 北陸 ] 1390円 (富山、石川、福井)
[ 関西 ] 1500円 (滋賀、京都、大阪、兵庫、奈良、和歌山)
[ 中国 ] 1610円 (鳥取、岡山、島根、広島、山口)
[ 四国 ] 1610円 (香川、徳島、愛媛、高知)
[ 九州 ] 1830円 (福岡、佐賀、長崎、熊本、大分、宮崎、鹿児島)
[ 沖縄 ] 2490円 (沖縄)